The Farm Carbon Calculator is underpinned by peer-reviewed scientific evidence and we want to be transparent about what this evidence is. From this the emissions and sequestration factors are drawn and this is what makes the Calculator function.

We review all references and factors every time the Calculator is reviewed, which is on an annual basis. If you have specific questions regarding references you can contact Lizzy Parker or Jonathan Smith at [email protected].

The references and research for our Farm Carbon Calculator can be downloaded here.



Review by Pilio Group, November 2020:

The Farm Carbon Calculator is an excellent and comprehensive tool for calculating the scope 1,2 and 3 emissions from farm processes. It includes direct energy use, carbon emissions from farm inputs such as fertiliser and sprays, carbon from the production of equipment and buildings, emissions from livestock and sequestration through above and below ground carbon and land use change. Crucially the tool includes the ability to accurately measure carbon sequestration services on farms.

The tool was reviewed by Dr Russell Layberry in November 2020. Each externally referenced factor was checked for accuracy and validity and that the latest and best sources were used. The internal algorithms in the tool were checked for their internal logic and their correct application. The review process was detailed and comprehensive and built on a previous review of the tool earlier in the year.

The tool, apart from being accurate, up to date and comprehensive, is the best tool by far this reviewer has seen for calculating the environmental impact of farming – part of Dr Layberry’s recent work was a comparative analysis of software tools and standards which calculate carbon and biodiversity impacts of farming. Our company is already recommending its use for our current clients who have agricultural emissions which need capturing for their voluntary scope 3 reporting.

There were a number of changes recommend and comments (made in the subsidiary document) which were discussed with Jonathan Smith for possible incorporation in the next iteration of the model.


About the reviewer

Dr Russell Layberry is a Physicist, computer modeller and research scientist for environmental applications, holding a PhD in Physics. Russell has over 20 years of experience delivering computational environmental research and development including 15 years as a Senior Researcher in the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University. He is the Chief Scientific Officer and a co-founder of Pilio, a spin-out from the University, supplying energy/carbon management software and consultancy to businesses. He works extensively on scope 3 emissions and supply chain auditing including Life Cycle Analysis and both the carbon and biodiversity impact of agricultural methods. He was the co-founder of sequestration company Oxford Biochar.

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