Further support

Using the Calculator

  • Can I export or download my data?

    Yes! Simply head to your report results and hover over the download button - you will see options here for PDF, CSV and JSON download. The PDF option will give you summary charts and tables as they are shown on the results page of the online Calculator while CSV provides key information about the report, as well as the emissions associated with each item you entered in the Calculator (as a breakdown) in a tabular format. JSON allows you to access all the data you have entered into the Calculator for that report (e.g. the number of litres of diesel) as well as the emissions calculated for each item you entered.

  • How much does it cost?

    The Equine Carbon Calculator is free for all businesses undertaking their own footprint and for academic institutions using the tool for training or teaching purposes.

    For consultants or paid advisors using the calculator, we offer professional licenses, bespoke versions and training. Contact us to find out more.

Research & Theory

  • What are the calculations based on?

    The Equine Carbon Calculator is powered by the Farm Carbon Calculator.

    We publish our updated methodology each year - you can read the 2023 methodology here.

    We update the Farm Carbon Calculator at least twice a year, sometimes more often. We always publish a list of what has changed since the previous update.

    When any emissions or sequestration factors are updated in the Calculator, there will be a change in the carbon footprint of those particular items. Often these are relatively small changes, but are due to new research or changes in scientific understanding of processes, changes over time in composition of the national electricity grid or changes to typical production processes.

    For new reports all factors will be derived from the updated list of factors.

    This document provides an overview of what’s new for the latest update of the Farm Carbon Calculator (Sept 2023)

    Download “What’s new Sept. 2023”

Data & Reporting

  • What will my report show?

    It will show you the total carbon emissions and carbon offsets, expressed as tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), percentage of total emissions/sequestration, and the carbon balance of your business.

    The results also show full detail of the emissions/offsets for every item you enter in the Calculator. Live results also appear as you enter in data, enabling you to compare the results of different items.

    Results are shown in varying levels of detail, highlight emissions hotspots, show Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, emissions of CO2e, nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4).

  • Is my data secure?

    As with anywhere where you are entering your farm business information we recommend you take basic steps to ensure a high level of security. Here at Farm Carbon Toolkit we are also doing our part. Choose a strong password when registering your account and set up two-factor authentication from your dashboard for an extra layer of security. Our models allow us to reproduce and benchmark the data you enter but only in anonymous ways as part of a group.

    We employ regular internal and external testing to ensure our website, systems and servers are regarded as highly secure in line with industry best practice. Our team will never contact you to ask for your password so do not reveal this information to anyone. If you suspect unauthorised usage of your account or any other breaches of security you must let us know so that we can take action to protect your data and to help prevent further breaches. For details of how we handle your data and of our required response in the unlikely event of a data breach see our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.